When a recent breakup lights Holland’s social media ablaze, she hopes to find some breathing room out in the real world. But as plugged-in as everyone is, it seems impossible to get a break.
In Land of Screens, guide Holland on her new mission to ditch the social media saturation and discover some real-world relationships by enlisting the help of a few new friends, a lot of improvisation, and some synthy chiptune jams.
A Point-And-Click Adventure of Internet Escapism
Put on your fanciest mingling cap to conquer harrowingly familiar challenges such as:
Meandering through a hotel lobby to force awkward introductions with fellow attendees of a professional conference.
Navigating an impromptu party where your only choices of company are strangers—or worse: friends you haven’t seen since high school.
Family. Reunions.
Just Get Everyone to Stop Looking at their Phones… No Problem.
No matter where Holland goes to try and get away, everyone is glued to their screens. She’ll need the help of old friends and new acquaintances—and they’ll need help from her—to dodge the online madness and finally unplug for a while. By diving (or stumbling) into fresh experiences, new relationships, and accidental adventures, Holland might just stand a fighting chance of escaping the ever-present creep of social media drama.
Remember How Nice it is to Talk at People’s Actual Faces?
In a world stuck on digital connections, the only way Holland is going to get through this breakup with her sanity intact is to go analog. Fortunately, she’ll soon learn just how many enticing adventures are out there, away from the continuous social media commentary. Sure, she could obsess over an online thread of opinions about her breakup like everyone normally would, but maybe there’s another way…